Monday, January 25, 2010

The Heart of a Father

Quite a number of maturing Christians want to know what they can do for our heavenly Father.
That is, how they may serve God.
I believe this may be the wrong question to ask, if we only know what our Father wants for us!
While I cannot speak on behalf of our Father, I can provide a brief idea of what I want for my children, as an earthly father.
Hopefully, this provides a clearer way to see what our Father wants for us (and wants us to do).

I am speaking from the position of someone who want children.
This view would be different from the view of someone whom:
1. has a child due to some irresponsible behaviour,
2. has a child as an unexpected and unwelcomed outcome, OR
3. has a child for the sake of having one.

I want my children to be:

a. healthy and well-formed
Even before he or she is born, I am concerned about various health and developmental issues.
My prayer that my children be born healthy means that they should be born complete, and without the slightest disability.

i. Exodus 15:26 (the Lord is my Healer)
Our Father made it clear that He had our well-being at heart too, but a lot of the things we do in disobedience may bring us diseases.

ii. Leviticus 11, 26 (clean and unclean food, reward and punishment)
This healthy concept includes eating healthily and living responsibly too.

iii. Psalms 139 (You created my inmost being)
After all, our Father who granted us life, knows what we need and has our best interest at heart.

b. happy and well-balanced
I pray that my children would live their lives with smiles always.
However, I do not want them to build their happiness on the sorrows of others or have any sense of perversion in their pursuit of happiness.

i. Genesis 1 – 3 (very good, not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil)
Like our Father, I would give the best to my children, but I would not allow them to do some things that harm them.

ii. Matthew 7 (gifts to our children)
Our Father is generous to us, just as we can be generous to our children.
All basic provision of food and clothing should be met.
All the rest is dependent on the ability of the earthly parents.

c. intelligent and wise
I pray that my children would know how to behave well in the situations that they find themselves in, giving people no excuses to criticise them about their behaviour or implied values.

i. Proverbs 1 (the fear of the Lord)
By anchoring our children in a proper attitude towards us, we can begin to teach them proper values and behaviour.

ii. Luke 2 (wisdom, grace, favour)
Hopefully, like Jesus, my children will develop well in all ways, thus finding favour with everyone in whatever they do.

d. upright and holy
Only after developing their reasoning and empathy (wisdom) will my children be able to actively choose to do the right things.
I would like their lives to bring them confidence and pleasure, and be good models for others to imitate.

i. Exodus 19 (holy nation)
Our Father called us to be of a specific nature, and I know that to be the best option for my children.

ii. Leviticus 19 (be holy)
I pray that I would be an excellent role-model for my children, so that they are not lost in the world of varied and fanciful me-first options.

e. grateful and love me
Of greatest pleasure to me, would be the day when my children would choose to love me, despite the difficulties they have in life and that they would be content, with food and clothing.

i. Deuteronomy 6 (love the Lord)
This, I believe, is the heartbeat of our Father.

ii. Matthew 23 (hen)
Jesus made it clear that our Father always seek to draw us nearer to Him.
Similarly, I want to spend much quality time with my children too.

It has never been about doing things for the Father.
It has always started and shall end with drawing near to Him.

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