Saturday, September 12, 2009

Which special need do we have?

I do not envy those families with a child who has special needs.
By that, I refer to the child who has some difficulties living a normal social life.

In a sense, I really respect those who choose to tough it out.
It is their love for their child that enables them to bring him up.
The child with severe disabilities may never be able to achieve normal independence.
One day, their parents would pass away, leaving the poor child behind.

That is why I often pray that my children would never be born with special needs.
I would not be able to handle them, I think.

Yet, don't we all have a special need?
In this, I refer to the need for Jesus.
Without our connection to the Father, we would be left behind orphans, living a most wretched life.

Praise God for sending Jesus.

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